There’s only one way to improve exam results….. | missdcox

…get students to get more marks in exams. There you go. Simple isn’t it? So why do so many schools that have students that are underachieving do everything but focus on this? Getting marks in an exam relies on two main things: knowing the subject content needed and having the skill to understand what the … More There’s only one way to improve exam results….. | missdcox

BA (Hons) Education & Religion – The Island | Sjay Patterson

Today we started teaching on our new BA (Hons) Education and Religion! Using Sue Philips’ ‘Theatre of Learning’, the group experienced being stranded on a desert island after a plane crash (inspired by Lost!) and had to work in their tribes to consider and create rites of passage, sacred places, sacred texts and guidelines to … More BA (Hons) Education & Religion – The Island | Sjay Patterson

RE PGCE: Professionalism conference at Cowley International College | Sjay Patterson

Prior to starting their first placement, PGCE trainees attended a professionalism conference at one of our partnership schools, Cowley International College in St Helens. Led by the fantastic PM Sue Reed, trainees considered what it means to be professional and chatted with the Principle and Vice-Principle about issues such as social media, attendance and professional expectations. … More RE PGCE: Professionalism conference at Cowley International College | Sjay Patterson

There’s only one way to improve exam results….. | missdcox

…get students to get more marks in exams. There you go. Simple isn’t it? So why do so many schools that have students that are underachieving do everything but focus on this? Getting marks in an exam relies on two main things: knowing the subject content needed and having the skill to understand what the … More There’s only one way to improve exam results….. | missdcox

RE PGCE: Liverpool Anglican Cathedral visit | Sjay Patterson

On Friday 15th September the RE PGCE trainees visited Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to help develop their subject knowledge around Christianity and places of worship. We had a great tour from Helen, who told us about the history of the Cathedral and that without a ‘cathedra’ a Cathedral is just a big church! Trainees thoroughly enjoyed … More RE PGCE: Liverpool Anglican Cathedral visit | Sjay Patterson

RE PGCE getting creative! | Sjay Patterson

RE PGCE trainees were tasked with creating a collage on either their vision of RE or on creating a new world – Things they would leave in the world included chocolate, hugs, friendship, Game of Thrones, equality and unicorns whilst stepping on Lego, inequality,  wars and terrorism were left out.  As you can see,  very … More RE PGCE getting creative! | Sjay Patterson